How to register a cell line in hPSCreg, creating a name

You can create a name for a cell line by sending JSON data to:


The result is the hPSCreg name of the created cell line in plain text. See the Nomenclature for the structure of hPSCreg names.

You need to authenticate with an hPSCreg user account via HTTP Auth. Please don't create lines just for an API test. You can either use the preview or use the test server first.

The fields of the create_name request JSON are:

A provider is the institution or laboratory in which the line was generated. Providers can also be registries or banks of PSC - lines. This should be either the last part of the url (the id) when clicking on the details of a provider; or the abbreviation that is used for cell line names. There is a list of all providers. If the provider is not yet registered the creation of a name for this provider has to be done manually once in order to register the provider. The provider abbreviation will be part of the name, except for subclones.
The type of the cell line. It can be either "i" for induced pluripotent stem cell or "e" for embryonic stem cell.
subclone_of (optional)
A subclone is a genetically modified line, which was derived from a non-genetically modified parental line. If a subclone is modified further, this is a new subclone of the non-modified parental line. The parental cell line has to be registered first and the name has to be given here. Otherwise this field can be omitted.
same_donor (optional)
If the cell line is not a subclone, but there are already cell lines from the same donor registered in hPSCreg, then the name of one of these lines has to be provided here. Otherwise this field can be omitted.
alternative_names (optional)
A (JSON) list of existing identifiers (synonyms, reference numbers, aliases) for the cell line.
comment (optional)
A comment for editors and validators of the cell line. Any important description that is not an actual identifier should be given here. This comment will not be public.

The optional fields don't have to be included in every request, but they have to be included every time where they are applicable.


An hiPSC line generated by provider TEST with no other line from the same donor in hPSCreg can be registered like this:

    "provider": "TEST",
    "type": "i",
    "alternative_names": ["x123"],
    "comment": "this is that one special line"

Cell lines which are genetically modified are subclones. In that case the unmodified clone needs to be registered on hPSCreg first (either manually or with the API). Let the hPSCreg name of the unmodified clone be TESTi006-A. The subclone can then be registered like that:

    "provider": "TEST",
    "type": "i",
    "subclone_of": "TESTi006-A",
    "alternative_names": ["x456"],
    "comment": "x123 with that special modification"

Note that the same_donor is not used, even though the subclone also has the same donor as the unmodified clone.

A cell line that has the same donor as TESTi006-A, but is not a subclone, can be registered like that:

    "provider": "TEST",
    "type": "i",
    "same_donor": "TESTi006-A",
    "alternative_names": ["x789", "y007"],
    "comment": "a line of that special donor"

The order of registration for lines from the same donor can be arbitrary, but names reflect that order.

Comments and alternative names are not required, but should be provided if possible. You can provide multiple alternative names.


You can get a preview of the name that would be created with:


You can get a name preview here:

(no preview requested)