Cell Line Provider
Sort by:
(WITHDRAWN) Beijing Children's Hospital, Center of Neurology (BCHCN)
1 Generator https://www.bch.com.cn/Cell lines:
(WITHDRAWN) Fudan University (FDHPI)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
(WITHDRAWN) Lanzhou University Second Hospital (LZU)
1 Generator -
Aalborg University (AAU)
1 Generator http://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/vladimir-zachar(33eb9eb1-289c-4a1a-b4c9-d3614d239c0e).html -
Aalborg University: Laboratoriet for Stamcelleforskning
5 Contact http://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/vladimir-zachar(33eb9eb1-289c-4a1a-b4c9-d3614d239c0e).html -
Aarhus University (AU)
1 Generator http://www.au.dk/en/ -
Aarhus University (AU)
4 Owner http://www.au.dk/en/Cell lines:
Aarhus University (AU)
5 Contact http://www.au.dk/en/Cell lines:
Aarhus University: Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DAN)
1 Generator http://dandrite.au.dk/ -
Aarhus University: Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DAN)
2 Distributor http://dandrite.au.dk/ -
Aarhus University: Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DAN)
4 Owner http://dandrite.au.dk/ -
Aarhus University: Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DAN)
5 Contact http://dandrite.au.dk/ -
Academia Sinica: Genomics Research Center (ASGRC)
1 Generator http://www.genomics.sinica.edu.tw/index.php/en/ -
Academia Sinica: Genomics Research Center (ASGRC)
5 Contact http://www.genomics.sinica.edu.tw/index.php/en/Cell lines:
Academia Sinica: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica (IBMS)
1 Generator http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/Cell lines:
Academia Sinica: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica (IBMS)
5 Contact http://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/Cell lines:
Accelerator program for Discovery in Brain disorders using Stem cells (ADBS)
1 Generator https://www.ncbs.res.in/adbs/Cell lines:
Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. - Cellular Reprogramming unit (ACT)
1 Generator https://astellas.us/therapeutic/rnd/airm.aspx -
Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. - Cellular Reprogramming unit (ACT)
5 Contact https://astellas.us/therapeutic/rnd/airm.aspx -
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
5 Contact https://www.amdi.usm.my/Cell lines:
Aegicare (Shenzhen) Technology Co (ATC)
1 Generator https://www.aegicare.com/#/home -
Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University(AHJNMU) (AHJNMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University(AHJNMU) (AHJNMU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University(AHJNMU) (AHJNMU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University(AHJNMU) (AHJNMU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University (AHQU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHTCM)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Agency for Science, Technology and Research: IMCB, Adrian Teo's Lab (ATLAB)
1 Generator -
Agency for Science, Technology and Research: IMCB, Adrian Teo's Lab (ATLAB)
2 Distributor -
Agency for Science, Technology and Research: IMCB, Adrian Teo's Lab (ATLAB)
4 Owner -
Agency for Science, Technology and Research: IMCB, Adrian Teo's Lab (ATLAB)
5 Contact -
Ajou University School of Medicine: Jo Lab (AUSOM)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Ajou University School of Medicine: Jo Lab (AUSOM)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Ajou University School of Medicine: Jo Lab (AUSOM)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Ajou University School of Medicine: Jo Lab (AUSOM)
5 ContactCell lines:
Akershus University Hospital (Epigen-Ahus Stem cell facility) (ASCF)
1 Generator https://www.ahus.no/Cell lines:
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECM)
1 Generator https://www.einsteinmed.edu/ -
Allen Institute for Cell Science (AICS)
1 Generator https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/cell-science/ -
Allen Institute for Cell Science (AICS)
2 Distributor https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/cell-science/Cell lines:
Allen Institute for Cell Science (AICS)
4 Owner https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/cell-science/ -
Allen Institute for Cell Science (AICS)
5 Contact https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/cell-science/ -
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)
1 Generator -
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)
4 Owner -
Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)
5 Contact -
Angios GmbH (ANGIOS)
1 Generator http://www.angios-bio.comCell lines:
Anhui Medical University (AHMUCN)
1 Generator https://www.ahmu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Anhui Medical University (AHMUCN)
2 Distributor https://www.ahmu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Anhui Medical University (AHMUCN)
4 Owner https://www.ahmu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Anhui Medical University (AHMUCN)
5 Contact https://www.ahmu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago (LCH)
1 Generator -
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN)
1 Generator http://www.anzhen.org/ -
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN)
2 Distributor http://www.anzhen.org/ -
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN)
4 Owner http://www.anzhen.org/ -
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN)
5 Contact http://www.anzhen.org/Cell lines:
Anzhen hospital
2 DistributorCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN) (AZH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN) (AZH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN) (AZH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital (ANZHEN) (AZH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical university (ANZH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical university (ANZH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical university (ANZH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Anzhen Hospital: gynaecology and obstetrics, Anzhen Hospital (GOAH)
1 Generator https://www.anzhen.org/Cell lines:
Anzhen Hospital: gynaecology and obstetrics, Anzhen Hospital (GOAH)
2 Distributor https://www.anzhen.org/Cell lines:
Anzhen Hospital: gynaecology and obstetrics, Anzhen Hospital (GOAH)
4 Owner https://www.anzhen.org/Cell lines:
Anzhen Hospital: gynaecology and obstetrics, Anzhen Hospital (GOAH)
5 Contact https://www.anzhen.org/Cell lines:
Arizona State University (ASU)
1 Generator -
AstraZeneca AB (AZ)
1 Generator https://www.astrazeneca.com/ -
Axiogenesis AG (AXIO)
1 Generator http://www.axiogenesis.comCell lines:
Axordia Ltd. (AXOR)
1 Generator http://www.intercytex.com/Cell lines:
Axordia Ltd.: GMP hESC derivation
5 Contact http://www.intercytex.com/Cell lines:
Bar Ilan University (BIU)
1 Generator https://www1.biu.ac.il/ -
Bar Ilan University (BIU)
4 Owner https://www1.biu.ac.il/ -
Bar Ilan University (BIU)
5 Contact https://www1.biu.ac.il/ -
Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI)
1 Generator http://www.barrowneuro.org/ -
Basic Biology of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
5 Contact http://www.ltdk.helsinki.fi/devrepro/Tuuri/default.htm -
Baszucki Family Vascular Surgery Biobank (BFVSB)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Baszucki Family Vascular Surgery Biobank: Stanford University School of Medicine (SUSM)
1 Generator -
Baszucki Family Vascular Surgery Biobank: Stanford University School of Medicine (SUSM)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Baszucki Family Vascular Surgery Biobank: Stanford University School of Medicine (SUSM)
5 ContactCell lines:
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
1 Generator http://www.bcm.edu -
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
4 Owner http://www.bcm.eduCell lines:
Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
5 Contact http://www.bcm.eduCell lines:
Beijing Chest Hospital (CBCH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Beijing Chest Hospital (CBCH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Beijing Chest Hospital (CBCH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology (BIO)
1 Generator http://www.trhos.com/Html/Departments/Main/Index_245.html -
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology (BIO)
2 Distributor http://www.trhos.com/Html/Departments/Main/Index_245.htmlCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology (BIO)
4 Owner http://www.trhos.com/Html/Departments/Main/Index_245.htmlCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology (BIO)
5 Contact http://www.trhos.com/Html/Departments/Main/Index_245.htmlCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology for BeijingTongren Hospital (BTHBIO)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology for BeijingTongren Hospital (BTHBIO)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology for BeijingTongren Hospital (BTHBIO)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology for BeijingTongren Hospital (BTHBIO)
5 ContactCell lines:
Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology (BIPT)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Beijing Tiantan Hospital (BJTTH)
1 Generator http://www.bjtth.org -
Beijing Tiantan Hospital (BJTTH)
2 Distributor http://www.bjtth.orgCell lines:
Beijing Tiantan Hospital (BJTTH)
4 Owner http://www.bjtth.orgCell lines:
Beijing Tiantan Hospital (BJTTH)
5 Contact http://www.bjtth.orgCell lines:
Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
1 Generator http://in.bgu.ac.il -
Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
2 Distributor http://in.bgu.ac.il -
Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
4 Owner http://in.bgu.ac.il -
Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
5 Contact http://in.bgu.ac.il -
BenevolentAI (BAI)
1 Generator https://www.benevolent.com/Cell lines:
BenevolentAI (BAI)
4 Owner https://www.benevolent.com/Cell lines:
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
1 Generator https://www.bihealth.org/en/research/core-facilities/stem-cells/ -
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
2 Distributor https://www.bihealth.org/en/research/core-facilities/stem-cells/ -
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
4 Owner https://www.bihealth.org/en/research/core-facilities/stem-cells/ -
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH)
5 Contact https://www.bihealth.org/en/research/core-facilities/stem-cells/ -
Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (BBSSPA)
1 Generator http://www.biobancosspa.comCell lines:
Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (BBSSPA)
5 Contact http://www.biobancosspa.comCell lines:
Biobank Antwerpen (BBANTW)
1 Generator https://www.uza.be/biobankantwerpen -
Biobank Antwerpen (BBANTW)
2 Distributor https://www.uza.be/biobankantwerpen -
Biobank Antwerpen (BBANTW)
4 Owner https://www.uza.be/biobankantwerpenCell lines:
Biobank Antwerpen (BBANTW)
5 Contact https://www.uza.be/biobankantwerpenCell lines:
Biobank Antwerpen: Center of Medical Genetics Antwerp (CMGANT)
1 Generator http://www.genetica-antwerpen.be -
Biobank Antwerpen: Center of Medical Genetics Antwerp (CMGANT)
2 Distributor http://www.genetica-antwerpen.be -
Biobank Antwerpen: Center of Medical Genetics Antwerp (CMGANT)
4 Owner http://www.genetica-antwerpen.be -
Biobank Antwerpen: Center of Medical Genetics Antwerp (CMGANT)
5 Contact http://www.genetica-antwerpen.be -
BioCat GmbH
2 DistributorCell lines:
Biomedical center Martin, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA (ORION)
1 Generator https://www.jfmed.uniba.sk/en/faculty/Cell lines:
Biomedical center Martin, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA (ORION)
2 Distributor https://www.jfmed.uniba.sk/en/faculty/Cell lines:
Biomedical center Martin, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA (ORION)
4 Owner https://www.jfmed.uniba.sk/en/faculty/Cell lines:
Biomedical center Martin, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA (ORION)
5 Contact https://www.jfmed.uniba.sk/en/faculty/Cell lines:
Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BIORTC)
1 Generator http://www.biortc.comCell lines:
Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BIORTC)
2 Distributor http://www.biortc.comCell lines:
Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BIORTC)
4 Owner http://www.biortc.comCell lines:
Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre (BIORTC)
5 Contact http://www.biortc.comCell lines:
BioMedX Innovation Center (BIOMED)
1 Generator http://www.bio.mx -
Bioneer (BION)
1 Generator http://www.bioneer.dk -
Bioneer (BION)
2 Distributor http://www.bioneer.dk -
Bioneer (BION)
4 Owner http://www.bioneer.dk -
Bioneer (BION)
5 Contact http://www.bioneer.dk -
Bioneer (BSC)
1 Generator http://www.bioneer.dkCell lines:
Bioneer (BSC)
2 Distributor http://www.bioneer.dkCell lines:
Bioneer (BSC)
4 Owner http://www.bioneer.dk -
Bioneer (BSC)
5 Contact http://www.bioneer.dk -
BioTalentum Ltd. (BIOT)
1 Generator https://biotalentum.eu/Cell lines:
BioTalentum Ltd. (BIOT)
2 Distributor https://biotalentum.eu/Cell lines:
BioTalentum Ltd. (BIOT)
4 Owner https://biotalentum.eu/Cell lines:
BioTalentum Ltd. (BIOT)
5 Contact https://biotalentum.eu/Cell lines:
Boston University (BUCREM)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCABR)
1 Generator http://www.inca.gov.brCell lines:
Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Brown University (BROWN)
1 Generator http://www.brown.eduCell lines:
CABIMER (Andalusian Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Centre) (CAB)
1 Generator http://www.cabimer.es/web3/en/home/ -
CABIMER (Andalusian Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Centre) (CAB)
4 Owner http://www.cabimer.es/web3/en/home/ -
CABIMER (Andalusian Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Centre) (CAB)
5 Contact http://www.cabimer.es/web3/en/home/ -
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
1 Generator -
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
4 Owner -
Cancer Center,Union Hospital (CCUH)
1 Generator https://www.whuh.com/ppxk/tszk/zlzx.htmCell lines:
Cancer Center,Union Hospital (CCUH)
2 Distributor https://www.whuh.com/ppxk/tszk/zlzx.htmCell lines:
Cancer Center,Union Hospital (CCUH)
4 Owner https://www.whuh.com/ppxk/tszk/zlzx.htmCell lines:
Cancer Center,Union Hospital (CCUH)
5 Contact https://www.whuh.com/ppxk/tszk/zlzx.htmCell lines:
Cancer Center,Union Hospital: Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Cancer Center,Union Hospital: Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM)
1 Generator -
Cancer Center,Union Hospital: Tongji University School of Medicine (TUSM)
5 ContactCell lines:
Capital Medical University (CMU)
1 Generator http://www.heartinsti.com/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University (CMU)
2 Distributor http://www.heartinsti.com/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University (CMU)
4 Owner http://www.heartinsti.com/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University (CMU)
5 Contact http://www.heartinsti.com/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Center of Neurology (BCHNC)
1 Generator https://www.bch.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Center of Neurology (BCHNC)
2 Distributor https://www.bch.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Center of Neurology (BCHNC)
4 Owner https://www.bch.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Center of Neurology (BCHNC)
5 Contact https://www.bch.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Department of Neurology (BCHNE)
1 Generator https://www.bch.com.cn/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Department of Neurology (BCHNE)
4 Owner https://www.bch.com.cn/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital, Department of Neurology (BCHNE)
5 Contact https://www.bch.com.cn/Cell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children's Hospital: Department of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Tranplatation (BCHSCT)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children′s Hospital:Department of Nephrology (BCHN)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children′s Hospital:Department of Nephrology (BCHN)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children′s Hospital:Department of Nephrology (BCHN)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Beijing Children′s Hospital:Department of Nephrology (BCHN)
5 ContactCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Department of Neurology, Xuan Wu Hospital (XWHN)
1 Generator lines:
Capital Medical University: Innovation Center for Neurological Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases (ICNDXH)
1 Generator http://xwhosp.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Innovation Center for Neurological Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases (ICNDXH)
2 Distributor http://xwhosp.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Innovation Center for Neurological Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases (ICNDXH)
4 Owner http://xwhosp.com.cnCell lines:
Capital Medical University: Innovation Center for Neurological Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases (ICNDXH)
5 Contact http://xwhosp.com.cnCell lines:
Catalent Düsseldorf (RCT)
1 Generator http://www.rheincell.deCell lines:
Catalent Düsseldorf (RCT)
4 Owner http://www.rheincell.deCell lines:
Catalent Düsseldorf (RCT)
5 Contact http://www.rheincell.deCell lines:
Catholic iPSC Research Center
5 ContactCell lines:
Catholic University of Korea (CMC)
1 Generator -
Catholic University of Korea (CMC)
4 Owner -
Catholic University of Korea (CMC)
5 ContactCell lines:
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, (CSMC)
1 Generator https://www.cedars-sinai.org/Cell lines:
CEDOC, NOVA Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NMSUNL)
1 Generator http://cedoc.unl.ptCell lines:
Cell Applications Inc. (CAINC)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Cell Applications Inc. (CAINC)
5 ContactCell lines:
Cell Inspire Biotechnology (CIB)
1 Generator http://www.cib.cc -
Cell Inspire Biotechnology (CIB)
2 Distributor http://www.cib.cc -
Cell Inspire Biotechnology (CIB)
4 Owner http://www.cib.cc -
Cell Inspire Biotechnology (CIB)
5 Contact http://www.cib.cc -
Cellectis (CELLEC)
4 Owner http://www.cellectis.comCell lines:
Censo an Axol Bioscience Company (CENSO)
1 Generator https://www.axolbio.com/Cell lines:
Censo an Axol Bioscience Company (CENSO)
4 Owner https://www.axolbio.com/ -
Censo an Axol Bioscience Company (CENSO)
5 Contact https://www.axolbio.com/ -
Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology (CIAU)
1 Generator http://www.centenary.org.auCell lines:
Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology (CIAU)
2 Distributor http://www.centenary.org.auCell lines:
Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology (CIAU)
4 Owner http://www.centenary.org.auCell lines:
Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology (CIAU)
5 Contact http://www.centenary.org.auCell lines:
Center for Child and Adolescent Medicine Heidelberg: Dietmar Hopp Metabolic Center (DHMC)
1 Generator https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/Willkommen.125833.0.html -
Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine, Juntendo University (JUCGRM)
1 Generator https://research-center.juntendo.ac.jp/genome/about/ -
Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine, Juntendo University (JUCGRM)
4 Owner https://research-center.juntendo.ac.jp/genome/about/Cell lines:
Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine, Juntendo University (JUCGRM)
5 Contact https://research-center.juntendo.ac.jp/genome/about/Cell lines:
Center for Infection and Genomics of the Lung (CIGL)
1 Generator https://www.spullamsettilab.com/index.phpCell lines:
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
1 Generator https://tu-dresden.de/cmcb -
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
2 Distributor https://tu-dresden.de/cmcb -
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
4 Owner https://tu-dresden.de/cmcb -
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
5 Contact https://tu-dresden.de/cmcb -
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden : Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (CSCRM) / University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) (CSCRM)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH)
1 Generator http://www.zi-mannheim.deCell lines:
Central Institute of Mental Health: Department of Translational Brain Research
2 Distributor http://www.zi-mannheim.deCell lines:
Central Institute of Mental Health: Department of Translational Brain Research
4 Owner http://www.zi-mannheim.deCell lines:
Central Institute of Mental Health: Department of Translational Brain Research
5 Contact http://www.zi-mannheim.deCell lines:
Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS (CMFT)
1 Generator http://www.nhs.uk/ServiceDirectories/Pages/Hospital.aspx?id=RW3SMCell lines:
Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS: IVF Unit
5 Contact http://www.cmft.nhs.uk/saint-marys/our-services/gynaecology/reproductive-medicineCell lines:
Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Central South University (CSU)
1 Generator http://en.csu.edu.cn/ -
Central South University (CSU)
2 Distributor http://en.csu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Central South University (CSU)
4 Owner http://en.csu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Central South University: Aier School of Ophthalmology (CSUASO)
1 Generator http://www.csu-aso.com/ -
Central South University: Aier School of Ophthalmology (CSUASO)
2 Distributor http://www.csu-aso.com/Cell lines:
Central South University: Aier School of Ophthalmology (CSUASO)
4 Owner http://www.csu-aso.com/Cell lines:
Central South University: Aier School of Ophthalmology (CSUASO)
5 Contact http://www.csu-aso.com/Cell lines:
Central South University: Cancer Research Institute
5 ContactCell lines:
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB)
1 Generator http://www.ccmb.res.inCell lines:
Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO)
1 Generator http://www.genyo.es/en -
Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO)
2 Distributor http://www.genyo.es/enCell lines:
Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO)
4 Owner http://www.genyo.es/enCell lines:
Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO)
5 Contact http://www.genyo.es/enCell lines:
Centre for Stem Cell Biology
2 Distributor https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscb -
Centre for Stem Cell Biology
4 Owner https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscb -
Centre for Stem Cell Biology
5 Contact https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscb -
Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering
4 OwnerCell lines:
Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering
5 ContactCell lines:
Centre for Stem Cell Biology: University of Sheffield (UOS)
1 Generator https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscb -
Centre for Stem Cell Biology: University of Sheffield (UOS)
2 Distributor https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscb -
Centre for Stem Cell Biology: University of Sheffield (UOS)
4 Owner https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cscbCell lines:
Centre for Stem Cell Research, Christian Medical College, Vellore
2 Distributor https://www.cscr.res.in/Cell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
1 Generator http://www.chuv.chCell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
2 Distributor http://www.chuv.chCell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
4 Owner http://www.chuv.chCell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
5 Contact http://www.chuv.chCell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois: Laboratory of NeuroImmunology (LNIS)
1 Generator https://www.chuv.ch/fr/ial/ial-home/research/main-scientific-focus-areas/neuroimmunology/specific-projects/Cell lines:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois: Laboratory of NeuroImmunology (LNIS)
5 Contact https://www.chuv.ch/fr/ial/ial-home/research/main-scientific-focus-areas/neuroimmunology/specific-projects/Cell lines:
Centre of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona - Banc de Linies Cellulars (CRMB)
2 Distributor http://www.cmrb.eu -
Centre of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona - Banc de Linies Cellulars (CRMB)
4 Owner http://www.cmrb.eu -
Centre of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona - Banc de Linies Cellulars (CRMB)
5 Contact http://www.cmrb.eu -
Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS (CCM)
1 Generator https://www.cardiologicomonzino.it/it/ -
Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS (CCM)
2 Distributor https://www.cardiologicomonzino.it/it/Cell lines:
Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS (CCM)
4 Owner https://www.cardiologicomonzino.it/it/Cell lines:
Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS (CCM)
5 Contact https://www.cardiologicomonzino.it/it/Cell lines:
Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos (CVTTH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos (CVTTH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos (CVTTH)
5 ContactCell lines:
CERVO Brain Research Centre-Université Laval (CBRCUL)
1 Generator https://cervo.ulaval.ca/en -
CERVO Brain Research Centre-Université Laval (CBRCUL)
4 Owner https://cervo.ulaval.ca/enCell lines:
CERVO Brain Research Centre-Université Laval (CBRCUL)
5 Contact https://cervo.ulaval.ca/en -
CHA University (CHAHES)
1 Generator https://www.cha.ac.kr/Cell lines:
CHA University (CHAHES)
4 Owner https://www.cha.ac.kr/Cell lines:
CHA University (CHAHES)
5 Contact https://www.cha.ac.kr/Cell lines:
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH)
1 Generator https://www.cgmh.org.tw/eng2002/ms_main.htmCell lines:
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (KCGMH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CUB)
1 Generator https://www.charite.de/ -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CUB)
2 Distributor https://www.charite.de/ -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CUB)
4 Owner https://www.charite.de/ -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
1 Generator http://www.b-crt.de -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
2 Distributor http://www.b-crt.de -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
4 Owner http://www.b-crt.de -
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
5 Contact http://www.b-crt.de -
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (EXSURG)
1 Generator http://www.experimental-surgery.de/Cell lines:
CHDI Foundation Inc. (CHDI)
1 Generator http://chdifoundation.org/ -
Chiba University (CU)
1 Generator http://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/e/index.htmlCell lines:
Children's Hospital (BCH)
1 Generator http://www.childrenshospital.org/cfapps/research/data_admin/Site799/mainpageS799P0.html -
Children's Hospital (BCH)
5 Contact http://www.childrenshospital.org/cfapps/research/data_admin/Site799/mainpageS799P0.html -
Children's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (SDCH)
1 Generator -
Children's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (SDCH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Children's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (SDCH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Children's Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (SDCH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Children's Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Children's Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Children's Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Children's hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHCMU)
1 Generator https://www.chcmu.com/Cell lines:
Children's hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHCMU)
2 Distributor https://www.chcmu.com/Cell lines:
Children's hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHCMU)
4 Owner https://www.chcmu.com/Cell lines:
Children's hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHCMU)
5 Contact https://www.chcmu.com/Cell lines:
Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (DPNJMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (DPNJMU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (DPNJMU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (DPNJMU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Children's hospital of Shandong university (SDACHI)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Children's Hospital: Department of Neurology (BCHNEU)
1 Generator -
Children's Hospital: Department of Neurology (BCHNEU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Children's Hospital: Department of Neurology (BCHNEU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Children's Hospital: Department of Neurology (BCHNEU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Children's Hospital: Stem Cell Research Program
5 Contact http://www.childrenshospital.org/cfapps/research/data_admin/Site799/mainpageS799P0.html -
Children’s Hospital (CHZJU)
1 Generator https://www.zjuch.cnCell lines:
Children’s Hospital (CHZJU)
2 Distributor https://www.zjuch.cnCell lines:
Children’s Hospital (CHZJU)
4 Owner https://www.zjuch.cnCell lines:
Children’s Hospital (CHZJU)
5 Contact https://www.zjuch.cnCell lines:
Children’s Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
1 Generator -
Children’s Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Children’s Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
4 Owner -
Children’s Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (SDQLCH)
5 Contact -
Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University (SDUCH)
1 Generator http://www.etyy.com/homepageEnglish.htmlCell lines:
Children’s Hospital of Capital Institute of Pediatrics (CIP)
1 Generator https://www.shouer.com.cn/ -
Children’s Hospital: Zhejiang University (ZJU)
1 Generator http://www.cmm.zju.edu.cn/ -
China Three Gorges University (CTGU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
China-Japan Union Hospital (CJUH)
1 Generator http://www.zrlyyy.comCell lines:
China-Japan Union Hospital: Jilin University (JLU)
1 Generator http://global.jlu.edu.cn/User/Index/indexCell lines:
China-Japan Union Hospital: Jilin University (JLU)
2 Distributor http://global.jlu.edu.cn/User/Index/indexCell lines:
China-Japan Union Hospital: Jilin University (JLU)
4 Owner http://global.jlu.edu.cn/User/Index/indexCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital (CPGH)
1 Generator http://www.301hospital.com.cn/index.html -
Chinese PLA General Hospital (CPGH)
2 Distributor http://www.301hospital.com.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital (CPGH)
4 Owner http://www.301hospital.com.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital (CPGH)
5 Contact http://www.301hospital.com.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: Medical School of Chinese PLA (MSCP)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (FMCPGH)
1 Generator -
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (FMCPGH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The First Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (FMCPGH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The Seven Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (SMCPGH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The Seven Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (SMCPGH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The Seven Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (SMCPGH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Chinese PLA General Hospital: The Seven Medical Center of PLA General Hospital (SMCPGH)
5 ContactCell lines:
CHOC Children's (CHOC)
1 Generator https://www.choc.org/research/Cell lines:
CHOC Children's (CHOC)
2 Distributor https://www.choc.org/research/Cell lines:
Chonnam National University (CNU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chonnam National University (CNU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Chonnam National University (CNU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Chonnam National University (CNU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Christian Medical College (CSCR)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center (CHUQ)
1 Generator -
CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center (CHUQ)
5 Contact -
CHU Montpellier (CHUMTP)
2 DistributorCell lines:
CHU Montpellier (CHUMTP)
5 ContactCell lines:
CHU Montpellier: Institute for Regenerative Medecine & Biotherapy U1183 (REGU)
1 Generator http://www.irmb-inserm.fr/ -
CHU Montpellier: Institute for Regenerative Medecine & Biotherapy U1183 (REGU)
2 Distributor http://www.irmb-inserm.fr/Cell lines:
CHU Montpellier: Institute for Regenerative Medecine & Biotherapy U1183 (REGU)
4 Owner http://www.irmb-inserm.fr/Cell lines:
CHU-Sainte Justine (CHUSJ)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Chulalongkorn University: Center of Excellence for Medical Genomics (MDCU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Chulalongkorn University: Reproductive Medicine Unit
5 ContactCell lines:
CIMA Universidad de Navarra (CIMA)
1 Generator http://www.cima.unav.eduCell lines:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)
1 Generator https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/Cell lines:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)
5 Contact https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/Cell lines:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center: Center for Stem Cell and Organoid Medicine (CUSTOM)
1 Generator https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/research/divisions/c/CuSTOMCell lines:
Civil Hospital Campus (ITS)
1 Generator http://www.ikdrc-its.orgCell lines:
Civil Hospital Campus: Institute of Transplantation Sciences
5 Contact http://www.ikdrc-its.orgCell lines:
Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Cole Eye Institute (CEI)
1 Generator https://my.clevelandclinic.org/departments/eyeCell lines:
Collaborative Center for X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism (XDP)
1 Generator https://www.massgeneral.org/neurology/xdp-centerCell lines:
College of Medicine (YCM)
1 Generator http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/ -
College of Medicine (YCM)
2 Distributor http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/ -
College of Medicine (YCM)
4 Owner http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/ -
College of Medicine (YCM)
5 Contact http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/ -
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
4 Owner http://www.scrm.ed.ac.uk -
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
5 Contact http://www.scrm.ed.ac.uk -
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)
1 Generator https://www.stemcell.columbia.edu/ -
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)
2 Distributor https://www.stemcell.columbia.edu/Cell lines:
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)
4 Owner https://www.stemcell.columbia.edu/Cell lines:
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC)
5 Contact https://www.stemcell.columbia.edu/Cell lines:
Comprehensive Heart Failure Center, University Clinic Wuerzburg (UKWCHF)
1 Generator https://www.ukw.de/behandlungszentren/dzhi/startseite/Cell lines:
Conklin Lab, Gladstone/UCSF (UCSF)
1 Generator https://labs.gladstone.org/conklin/Cell lines:
Conklin Lab, Gladstone/UCSF (UCSF)
4 Owner https://labs.gladstone.org/conklin/Cell lines:
Conklin Lab, Gladstone/UCSF : Gladstone Institutes
2 Distributor https://gladstone.org/Cell lines:
Conklin Lab, Gladstone/UCSF : Gladstone Institutes
5 Contact https://gladstone.org/Cell lines:
Coriell Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
1 Generator https://www.coriell.org/ -
Coriell Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
2 Distributor https://www.coriell.org/ -
Coriell Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
4 Owner https://www.coriell.org/Cell lines:
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South Africa (CSIR)
1 Generator http://www.csir.co.zaCell lines:
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South Africa (CSIR)
2 Distributor http://www.csir.co.zaCell lines:
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South Africa (CSIR)
5 Contact http://www.csir.co.zaCell lines:
Creative Bioarray (CB)
1 Generator http://www.creative-bioarray.com/ -
Creative Bioarray (CB)
2 Distributor http://www.creative-bioarray.com/Cell lines:
Creative Bioarray (CB)
5 Contact http://www.creative-bioarray.com/ -
CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
1 Generator https://www.igib.res.in -
CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
2 Distributor https://www.igib.res.in -
CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
4 Owner https://www.igib.res.in -
CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
5 Contact https://www.igib.res.in -
1 Generator https://www.curecmd.org/ -
4 Owner https://www.curecmd.org/ -
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation (DGMIF)
1 Generator https://www.dgmif.re.kr/eng/index.doCell lines:
Dell Pediatric Research Institute, the Univesity of Texas at Austin, (DUT)
1 Generator http://www.uteaxs.eduCell lines:
department of blood transfusion (DOBT)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department Of Blood Transfusion: Lanzhou University Second Hospital (LZUSH)
1 Generator http://www.lzush.com.cn/Cell lines:
Department Of Blood Transfusion: Lanzhou University Second Hospital (LZUSH)
4 Owner http://www.lzush.com.cn/Cell lines:
Department Of Blood Transfusion: Lanzhou University Second Hospital (LZUSH)
5 Contact http://www.lzush.com.cn/Cell lines:
Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (NJDTH)
1 Generator https://www.njglyy.comCell lines:
Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (NJDTH)
4 Owner https://www.njglyy.comCell lines:
Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (NJDTH)
5 Contact https://www.njglyy.comCell lines:
Department of Medical Sciences (DMSC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Medical Sciences (DMSC)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Department of Medical Sciences (DMSC)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Department of Neurology and Epileptology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen (HIHDNE)
1 Generator https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/Cell lines:
Department of Neurology and Epileptology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen: Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen (HIHDND)
1 Generator https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/forschung/neurodegenerative-diseases/Cell lines:
Department of Neurology and Epileptology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen: Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen (HIHDND)
5 Contact https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/forschung/neurodegenerative-diseases/Cell lines:
Department of Neurology of the Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University (NSHDMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Neurology of the Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University (NSHDMU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital
2 DistributorCell lines:
Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital
4 OwnerCell lines:
Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University (XMDYYY)
1 Generator http://www.xmfh.com.cn/index.php?m=index&a=indexCell lines:
Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University (XMDYYY)
2 Distributor http://www.xmfh.com.cn/index.php?m=index&a=indexCell lines:
Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University (XMDYYY)
4 Owner http://www.xmfh.com.cn/index.php?m=index&a=indexCell lines:
Department of Neurosurgery of The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (NFHHMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Obstetrics (CSUDOO)
1 Generator http://www.csu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZEENT)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH) (ZJSHDP)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH): Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH): Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH): Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH): Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (ZJSH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (PNU)
1 Generator -
Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine (PNU)
5 Contact -
Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, University Hospital, Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main (KGU)
1 Generator https://www.kgu.de/kliniken-institute-zentren/einrichtungen-des-klinikums/kliniken/zentrum-fuer-psychische-gesundheit/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie.html -
Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, University Hospital, Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main (KGU)
4 Owner https://www.kgu.de/kliniken-institute-zentren/einrichtungen-des-klinikums/kliniken/zentrum-fuer-psychische-gesundheit/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie.html -
Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, University Hospital, Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main (KGU)
5 Contact https://www.kgu.de/kliniken-institute-zentren/einrichtungen-des-klinikums/kliniken/zentrum-fuer-psychische-gesundheit/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie/psychiatrie-psychosomatik-und-psychotherapie.html -
Department of Vascular Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University (DVS)
1 Generator http://sdfey.com/en/indexCell lines:
Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences Center (DALC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences Center: Embryonic stem cell group
5 ContactCell lines:
1 Generator http://www.dinaqor.com -
2 Distributor http://www.dinaqor.comCell lines:
4 Owner http://www.dinaqor.comCell lines:
5 Contact http://www.dinaqor.comCell lines:
Division of Cancer and Genetics, School of Medicine, Cardiff University (DCG)
1 Generator https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/medicine/research/divisions/cancer-and-geneticsCell lines:
Division of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Province Hospital) (JSPH)
1 Generator http://www.jsph.org.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Division of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Province Hospital) (JSPH)
2 Distributor http://www.jsph.org.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Division of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Province Hospital) (JSPH)
4 Owner http://www.jsph.org.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Division of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Province Hospital) (JSPH)
5 Contact http://www.jsph.org.cn/index.htmlCell lines:
Division of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (DPED)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Division of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes: Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, TU Dresden
4 Owner -
Division of Translational Research, NICHD, NIH (CHDTR)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Dongguan HEC Biopharmaceutical R&D Co., Ltd. (HEC)
1 Generator https://work.dyg.com.cn/work/index.htmlCell lines:
dongmei ji (AHMU)
1 Generator http://www.ahmu.edu.cnCell lines:
dongmei ji (AHMU)
2 Distributor http://www.ahmu.edu.cnCell lines:
dongmei ji (AHMU)
4 Owner http://www.ahmu.edu.cnCell lines:
dongmei ji (AHMU)
5 Contact http://www.ahmu.edu.cnCell lines:
Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (DZMH)
1 Generator http://www.dzmhospital.comCell lines:
Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (DZMH)
2 Distributor http://www.dzmhospital.comCell lines:
Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (DZMH)
4 Owner http://www.dzmhospital.comCell lines:
Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (DZMH)
5 Contact http://www.dzmhospital.comCell lines:
East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University (EHTJU)
1 Generator http://easthospital.cn/gmp -
East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University (EHTJU)
2 Distributor http://easthospital.cn/gmp -
East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University (EHTJU)
4 Owner http://easthospital.cn/gmp -
East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University (EHTJU)
5 Contact http://easthospital.cn/gmp -
Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Eastern Virginia Medical School: Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine
5 ContactCell lines:
EdiGene. Inc (EDI)
1 Generator -
EdiGene. Inc (EDI)
5 ContactCell lines:
1 GeneratorCell lines:
5 ContactCell lines:
Endocrinology Research Centre (ERC)
1 Generator https://www.endocrincentr.ru/ -
Erasmus MC (EMC)
1 Generator http://www.erasmusmc.nl -
Erasmus MC (EMC)
2 Distributor http://www.erasmusmc.nl -
Erasmus MC (EMC)
4 Owner http://www.erasmusmc.nl -
Erasmus MC (EMC)
5 Contact http://www.erasmusmc.nl -
ES Cell International Pte Ltd. (ESIBI)
1 Generator -
ES Cell International Pte Ltd.: hES cell provision
5 Contact -
ETH Zurich
2 Distributor https://www.ethz.ch/en.htmlCell lines:
ETH Zurich
4 Owner https://www.ethz.ch/en.htmlCell lines:
EURAC Research Institute for Biomedicine (EURAC)
1 Generator http://www.eurac.edu/it/research/health/biomed/Pages/default.aspx -
European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC)
2 Distributor https://www.phe-culturecollections.org.uk/ -
Eyestem Research Private Limited (ERPL)
1 Generator http://www.eyestem.comCell lines:
Eyestem Research Private Limited (ERPL)
4 Owner http://www.eyestem.comCell lines:
Eyestem Research Private Limited (ERPL)
5 Contact http://www.eyestem.comCell lines:
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (ROCHE)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (ROCHE)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (MURA)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (MURA)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (MURA)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (MURA)
5 ContactCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana (ML)
1 Generator https://www.mf.uni-lj.si -
Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana (ML)
2 Distributor https://www.mf.uni-lj.si -
Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana (ML)
4 Owner https://www.mf.uni-lj.si -
Faculty of Medicine University of Ljubljana (ML)
5 Contact https://www.mf.uni-lj.si -
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University (FMMUNI)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University: Masaryk University (MUNI)
1 Generator -
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University: Masaryk University (MUNI)
2 Distributor -
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University: Masaryk University (MUNI)
4 Owner -
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University: Masaryk University (MUNI)
5 Contact -
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre (FAMRC)
1 Generator http://www.almazovcentre.ru -
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre (FAMRC)
2 Distributor http://www.almazovcentre.ruCell lines:
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre (FAMRC)
4 Owner http://www.almazovcentre.ruCell lines:
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre (FAMRC)
5 Contact http://www.almazovcentre.ruCell lines:
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre: Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
2 Distributor http://www.almazovcentre.ru -
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre: Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
4 Owner http://www.almazovcentre.ru -
Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre: Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
5 Contact http://www.almazovcentre.ru -
Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies (FCBRN)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies (FCBRN)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies (FCBRN)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency (RCPCM)
1 Generator http://rcpcm.org/home/ -
Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency (RCPCM)
2 Distributor http://rcpcm.org/home/Cell lines:
Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency (RCPCM)
4 Owner http://rcpcm.org/home/Cell lines:
Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency (RCPCM)
5 Contact http://rcpcm.org/home/Cell lines:
Fetal Medicine unit &Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai 1st Maternity and Infant Hospital of Tongji University (FMUPDC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fetal Medicine unit &Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai 1st Maternity and Infant Hospital of Tongji University (FMUPDC)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Fetal Medicine unit &Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai 1st Maternity and Infant Hospital of Tongji University (FMUPDC)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Fetal Medicine unit &Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai 1st Maternity and Infant Hospital of Tongji University (FMUPDC)
5 ContactCell lines:
Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS (CSS)
1 Generator http://www.operapadrepio.it -
Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS (CSS)
2 Distributor http://www.operapadrepio.it -
Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS (CSS)
4 Owner http://www.operapadrepio.it -
Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS (CSS)
5 Contact http://www.operapadrepio.it -
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C. Besta (FINCB)
1 Generator https://www.istituto-besta.itCell lines:
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C. Besta (FINCB)
2 Distributor https://www.istituto-besta.itCell lines:
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C. Besta (FINCB)
4 Owner https://www.istituto-besta.itCell lines:
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C. Besta (FINCB)
5 Contact https://www.istituto-besta.itCell lines:
Food Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI)
1 Generator https://www.firdi.org.tw/En_Firdi_Index.ASPXCell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT
4 Owner https://www.ibmt.fraunhofer.de/Cell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT
5 Contact https://www.ibmt.fraunhofer.de/Cell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT: Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT (IBMT)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT: Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT (IBMT)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT: Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT (IBMT)
5 ContactCell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP (ITMP)
2 Distributor http://www.itmp.fraunhofer.deCell lines:
Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP (ITMP)
4 Owner http://www.itmp.fraunhofer.deCell lines:
Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd: EBiSC
2 Distributor https://ebisc.org/ -
Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd: EBiSC
5 Contact https://ebisc.org/Cell lines:
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
1 Generator https://www.grk2162.med.fau.de/person/soren-turan/Cell lines:
Fudan University (FDCHDP)
1 Generator http://ch.shmu.edu.cn/news/info/id/368.shtmlCell lines:
Fudan University (FDCHDP)
5 Contact http://ch.shmu.edu.cn/news/info/id/368.shtmlCell lines:
Fudan University: Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (FDCH)
1 Generator -
Fudan University: Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (FDCH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Fudan University: Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (FDCH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Fudan University: Children’s Hospital of Fudan University (FDCH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Fudan University: Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University (FDEENT)
1 Generator http://www.fdeent.org/ -
Fudan University: Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University (FDEENT)
2 Distributor http://www.fdeent.org/Cell lines:
Fudan University: Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University (FDEENT)
4 Owner http://www.fdeent.org/Cell lines:
Fudan University: Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University (FDEENT)
5 Contact http://www.fdeent.org/Cell lines:
Fudan University: Shanghai Fifth People’s Hospital (SFPH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fudan University: Shanghai Stomatological Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (SHFD)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fujian Academy of Medical Sciences (FJMA)
1 Generator http://www.fjms.ac.cn/Cell lines:
Fujian Academy of Medical Sciences (FJMA)
4 Owner http://www.fjms.ac.cn/Cell lines:
Fujian Medical University (FJMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (FJMUUH)
1 Generator http://www.fjxiehe.com/Cell lines:
Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (FJMUUH)
2 Distributor http://www.fjxiehe.com/Cell lines:
Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (FJMUUH)
4 Owner http://www.fjxiehe.com/Cell lines:
Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (FJMUUH)
5 Contact http://www.fjxiehe.com/Cell lines:
Fujian Medical University: Department of Neurology, Fujian Institute of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University (FJMUN)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: Department of Neurology, Fujian Institute of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University (FJMUN)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: Department of Neurology, Fujian Institute of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University (FJMUN)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: Department of Neurology, Fujian Institute of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical University (FJMUN)
5 ContactCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: the First Affliated Hospital (FMUFAH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: the First Affliated Hospital (FMUFAH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Fujian Medical University: the First Affliated Hospital (FMUFAH)
4 OwnerCell lines:
FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. (CDI)
1 Generator http://www.fujifilmcdi.com -
FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. (CDI)
2 Distributor http://www.fujifilmcdi.com -
FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. (CDI)
4 Owner http://www.fujifilmcdi.comCell lines:
FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics, Inc. (CDI)
5 Contact http://www.fujifilmcdi.comCell lines:
Fujita Health University (FHU)
1 Generator https://www.fujita-hu.ac.jp/en/ -
Fukuoka University (FU)
1 Generator http://www.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/english/ -
Fundació de Recerca de l'Institut de Microcirurgia Ocular (FRIMO)
1 Generator https://www.fundacionimo.org/es -
Fundació de Recerca de l'Institut de Microcirurgia Ocular (FRIMO)
2 Distributor https://www.fundacionimo.org/es -
Fundació de Recerca de l'Institut de Microcirurgia Ocular (FRIMO)
4 Owner https://www.fundacionimo.org/es -
Fundació de Recerca de l'Institut de Microcirurgia Ocular (FRIMO)
5 Contact https://www.fundacionimo.org/es -
Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia (FLENI)
1 Generator http://www.fleni.org.arCell lines:
Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia: Instituto de Neurociencias Conicet (INEU)
1 Generator -
Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia: Instituto de Neurociencias Conicet (INEU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia: Instituto de Neurociencias Conicet (INEU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia: Instituto de Neurociencias Conicet (INEU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Gansu provincial hospital (GSPH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Genea (GENEA)
1 Generator http://www.geneabiocells.com -
Genea: Biocells
2 Distributor http://www.geneabiocells.com -
Genea: Biocells
4 Owner http://www.geneabiocells.com -
Genea: Biocells
5 Contact http://www.geneabiocells.com -
Generation and differentiation of Human and Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
5 Contact http://www.ncbs.res.in/panicker/groups_panicker.htmCell lines:
Geneva University (UNIGE)
1 Generator http://pathology.unige.ch/patim/Cell lines:
Geneva University (UNIGE)
4 Owner http://pathology.unige.ch/patim/Cell lines:
Geneva University (UNIGE)
5 Contact http://pathology.unige.ch/patim/Cell lines:
Geneva University: Embryonic stem cell Joint Team - Faculty of Medicine and University Hospitals
5 Contact http://pathology.unige.ch/patim/Cell lines:
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
2 DistributorCell lines:
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
4 OwnerCell lines:
German Heart Center Munich (DHM)
1 Generator -
German Heart Center Munich (DHM)
5 ContactCell lines:
German Heart Center Munich, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute Insure
2 Distributor -
German Heart Center Munich, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute Insure
4 Owner -
German Heart Center Munich, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute Insure
5 Contact -
Ghent University (UGENT)
1 Generator http://www.ugent.be -
Ghent University (UGENT)
2 Distributor http://www.ugent.beCell lines:
Ghent University (UGENT)
4 Owner http://www.ugent.beCell lines:
Ghent University (UGENT)
5 Contact http://www.ugent.beCell lines:
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Institute of Zoology (IOZ)
1 Generator http://english.ioz.cas.cn/ -
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences: State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology
5 ContactCell lines:
Greater Poland Cancer Centre (GPCC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Greenstone Biosciences (GSB)
1 Generator https://greenstonebio.com/ -
GROW Laboratory (GLNNF)
1 Generator http://narayananethralayafoundation.co.in/people/list/2Cell lines:
GROW Laboratory (GLNNF)
2 Distributor http://narayananethralayafoundation.co.in/people/list/2Cell lines:
GROW Laboratory (GLNNF)
4 Owner http://narayananethralayafoundation.co.in/people/list/2Cell lines:
Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital (GDSRM)
1 Generator https://www.gdghospital.org.cn/Cell lines:
Guangxi Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (GICD)
1 Generator https://www.gxmuyfy.cn/Cell lines:
Guangxi Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (GICD)
2 Distributor https://www.gxmuyfy.cn/Cell lines:
Guangxi Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (GICD)
4 Owner https://www.gxmuyfy.cn/Cell lines:
Guangxi Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (GICD)
5 Contact https://www.gxmuyfy.cn/Cell lines:
Guangzhou Blood Centre (GBC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Blood Centre (GBC)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH)
1 Generator http://english.gibh.cas.cn/ -
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH)
2 Distributor http://english.gibh.cas.cn/Cell lines:
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH)
4 Owner http://english.gibh.cas.cn/ -
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH)
5 Contact http://english.gibh.cas.cn/ -
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences: GIBH (CTU)
1 Generator -
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences: GIBH (CTU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences: GIBH (CTU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences: GIBH (CTU)
5 ContactCell lines:
Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Reproductive and Genetics, China
5 ContactCell lines:
Guangzhou Laboratory (GL)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Laboratory (GZL)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Laboratory (GZL)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Guangzhou Laboratory (GZL)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Guangzhou Laboratory (GZL)
5 ContactCell lines:
Guangzhou Medical University (GZHMU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Medical University: Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (SAHGMU)
1 Generator https://www.gyey.com/cn/index.aspxCell lines:
Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital of Jinan University (GRCHJU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital of Jinan University (GRCHJU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital of Jinan University (GRCHJU)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (GWCMC)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (GWCMC)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (GWCMC)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (GWCMC)
5 ContactCell lines:
H. Lundbeck A/S (LUB)
1 Generator -
Hadassah Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center
2 Distributor -
Hadassah Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center
4 Owner -
Hadassah Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center
5 Contact -
Hadassah University Hospital (HAD)
1 Generator -
Hadassah University Hospital (HAD)
2 Distributor -
Hadassah University Hospital (HAD)
4 Owner -
Hadassah University Hospital: Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center
4 Owner https://www.hadassah.org.il/en/hadassahuniversityhospitaleinkerem/Cell lines:
Hadassah University Medical Center - Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology
5 Contact http://www.hadassah-med.com/medical-care/departments/obstetrics-and-gynecology-ein-karem -
Hainan Eye Hospital and Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology (HNEH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Hainan Medical University (HNMU)
1 Generator http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/ -
Hainan Medical University (HNMU)
2 Distributor http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/ -
Hainan Medical University (HNMU)
4 Owner http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/ -
Hainan Medical University (HNMU)
5 Contact http://www.hainmc.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Hangzhou Seventh People’s Hospital Mental Health Center, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (HZSMHC)
1 Generator https://www.hz7hospital.comCell lines:
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
1 Generator -
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
4 Owner -
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Harbin Medical University College of Pharmacy (HMUCP)
1 Generator https://yxy.hrbmu.edu.cnCell lines:
Harvard Medical School
2 Distributor http://arep.med.harvard.edu/Cell lines:
Harvard Medical School
4 Owner http://arep.med.harvard.edu/Cell lines:
Harvard Medical School: Massachusetts Eye and Ear (MEE)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Harvard Medical School: Ocular Genomics Institute at Mass Eye and Ear Hospital (OGI)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Harvard Medical School: Ocular Genomics Institute at Mass Eye and Ear Hospital (OGI)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Harvard Medical School: Ocular Genomics Institute at Mass Eye and Ear Hospital (OGI)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Harvard Medical School: Ocular Genomics Institute at Mass Eye and Ear Hospital (OGI)
5 ContactCell lines:
Harvard Personal Genome Project
4 Owner http://www.personalgenomes.org/harvard/peopleCell lines:
Harvard University (HVRD)
1 Generator -
Harvard University (HVRD)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Harvard University (HVRD)
5 ContactCell lines:
Harvard University: Melton Lab (MLB)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Harvard University: Melton Lab (MLB)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Harvard University: Melton Lab (MLB)
5 Contact -
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
1 Generator http://www.idisantiago.esCell lines:
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
4 Owner http://www.idisantiago.esCell lines:
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
5 Contact http://www.idisantiago.esCell lines:
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westphalia (HDZ)
1 Generator http://www.hdz-nrw.de/en/hdz-nrw.htmlCell lines:
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westphalia (HDZ)
2 Distributor http://www.hdz-nrw.de/en/hdz-nrw.htmlCell lines:
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westphalia (HDZ)
4 Owner http://www.hdz-nrw.de/en/hdz-nrw.html -
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westphalia (HDZ)
5 Contact http://www.hdz-nrw.de/en/hdz-nrw.htmlCell lines:
Hebei Medical University (HEBHMU)
1 Generator http://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ -
Hebei Medical University (HEBHMU)
2 Distributor http://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ -
Hebei Medical University (HEBHMU)
4 Owner http://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ -
Hebei Medical University (HEBHMU)
5 Contact http://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ -
Hebei Medical University: Stem Cell Application and Translation Laboratory (HMSCAT)
1 Generator https://iomh.hebmu.edu.cn -
Hebei Medical University: Stem Cell Application and Translation Laboratory (HMSCAT)
4 Owner https://iomh.hebmu.edu.cnCell lines:
Hebei Medical University: Stem Cell Application and Translation Laboratory (HMSCAT)
5 Contact https://iomh.hebmu.edu.cnCell lines:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
1 Generator -
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
5 ContactCell lines:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Alexander Silberman Inst. of Life Sciences
5 ContactCell lines:
Heimer Institute for Muscle Research (HIMR)
1 Generator http://heimer-institut.de/Cell lines:
Heimer Institute for Muscle Research (HIMR)
2 Distributor http://heimer-institut.de/Cell lines:
Heimer Institute for Muscle Research (HIMR)
4 Owner http://heimer-institut.de/Cell lines:
Heimer Institute for Muscle Research (HIMR)
5 Contact http://heimer-institut.de/Cell lines:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHUUKD)
1 Generator http://www.uniklinik-duesseldorf.de/unternehmen/institute/institut-fuer-stammzellforschung-und-regenerative-medizin/ -
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
4 OwnerCell lines:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
5 ContactCell lines:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (HHU)
1 Generator -
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (HHU)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (HHU)
4 Owner -
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf (HHU)
5 Contact -
Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)
1 Generator http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de -
Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)
2 Distributor http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.deCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)
4 Owner http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.deCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU)
5 Contact http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.deCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM)
1 Generator https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/idm/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM)
2 Distributor https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/idm/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM)
4 Owner https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/idm/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM)
5 Contact https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/idm/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISF)
1 Generator https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/isf/index.html -
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISF)
2 Distributor https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/isf/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISF)
4 Owner https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/isf/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISF)
5 Contact https://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/isf/index.htmlCell lines:
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR)
1 Generator http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/idr -
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR)
2 Distributor http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/idr -
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR)
4 Owner http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/idr -
Helmholtz Zentrum München : Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR)
5 Contact http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/idr -
Help Stem Cell Innovations Co.Ltd. (HELP)
1 Generator http://www.helpsci.com.cnCell lines:
Hemocord Clínica Médica Ltda (HCORD)
1 Generator https://hemocord.com.br -
Hemocord Clínica Médica Ltda (HCORD)
2 Distributor https://hemocord.com.br -
Hemocord Clínica Médica Ltda (HCORD)
4 Owner https://hemocord.com.br -
Hemocord Clínica Médica Ltda (HCORD)
5 Contact https://hemocord.com.br -
Henan Provincial Chest Hospital (HPCH)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Henan Provincial Chest Hospital (HPCH)
5 ContactCell lines:
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research - Clinical Neurogenetics (HIHCN)
1 Generator https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/forschung/neurodegenerative-diseases/research-groups/section-for-clinical-neurogenetics/Cell lines:
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research - Clinical Neurogenetics (HIHCN)
4 Owner https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/forschung/neurodegenerative-diseases/research-groups/section-for-clinical-neurogenetics/Cell lines:
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research - Clinical Neurogenetics (HIHCN)
5 Contact https://www.hih-tuebingen.de/en/forschung/neurodegenerative-diseases/research-groups/section-for-clinical-neurogenetics/Cell lines:
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, AG Schüle (HIHRS)
1 Generator http://www.hih-tuebingen.de -
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, AG Schüle (HIHRS)
4 Owner http://www.hih-tuebingen.deCell lines:
Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, AG Schüle (HIHRS)
5 Contact http://www.hih-tuebingen.deCell lines:
hospital for reproductive medicine affiliated to shandong university (HRMSDU)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Hospital for Sick Children (SK)
1 Generator http://www.sickkids.caCell lines:
Hospital for Sick Children (SK)
2 Distributor http://www.sickkids.caCell lines:
Hospital for Sick Children (SK)
4 Owner http://www.sickkids.caCell lines:
Hospital for Sick Children (SK)
5 Contact http://www.sickkids.caCell lines:
Hospital São Rafael: Centro de Biotecnologia e Terapia Celular (CBTC)
1 Generator http://www.cbtchsr.com.br/ -
Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (FUHS)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (FDHS)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (FDHS)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (FDHS)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Huashan Hospital of Fudan University (FDHS)
5 ContactCell lines:
Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Reproductive Medicine Center
5 ContactCell lines:
Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUSTTJ)
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Hubei University (HUBU)
1 Generator http://www.hubu.edu.cn/Cell lines:
Hubrecht Institute: The Hubrecht Institute (HUB)
1 Generator -
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Center
5 ContactCell lines:
Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center, University of São Paulo (CEGHU)
1 Generator https://genoma.ib.usp.br/Cell lines:
Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center, University of São Paulo (CEGHU)
4 Owner https://genoma.ib.usp.br/Cell lines:
Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center, University of São Paulo (CEGHU)
5 Contact https://genoma.ib.usp.br/ -
Human Stem Cell Biology
5 ContactCell lines:
Human Stem Cell Core (HSCC)
2 Distributor -
Human Stem Cell Core (HSCC)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Human Stem Cell Core (HSCC)
5 ContactCell lines:
1 GeneratorCell lines:
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
1 Generator -
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
2 DistributorCell lines:
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
4 OwnerCell lines:
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS)
5 ContactCell lines:
Imagine Institute (IMA)
1 Generator https://www.institutimagine.org -
Imagine Institute (IMA)
2 Distributor https://www.institutimagine.orgCell lines:
Imagine Institute (IMA)
4 Owner https://www.institutimagine.org -
Imagine Institute / INSERM U1163 (IMAGIN)
1 Generator https://www.institutimagine.org -
Imagine Institute / INSERM U1163 (IMAGIN)
2 Distributor https://www.institutimagine.org -
Imagine Institute / INSERM U1163 (IMAGIN)
4 Owner https://www.institutimagine.org -
Imagine Institute / INSERM U1163 (IMAGIN)
5 Contact https://www.institutimagine.org -
IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)
1 Generator https://www.imp.ac.at/Cell lines:
2 DistributorCell lines:
4 OwnerCell lines:
5 ContactCell lines:
1 Generator https://www.iitg.ac.inCell lines:
Indiana University (IU)
2 Distributor https://mjffb iobank.org/#!/ -
1 Generator -
2 Distributor -
4 Owner -
5 Contact -
INSERM U1166-Institute of Cardiometabolism And Nutrition (ICAN)
1 Generator http://www.ican-institute.org/ -
INSERM U1166-Institute of Cardiometabolism And Nutrition (ICAN)
2 Distributor http://www.ican-institute.org/ -
INSERM U1166-Institute of Cardiometabolism And Nutrition (ICAN)
4 Owner http://www.ican-institute.org/ -
INSERM U1166-Institute of Cardiometabolism And Nutrition (ICAN)
5 Contact http://www.ican-institute.org/ -
INSERM: Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (INM)
1 Generator http://www.inmfrance.com/inmfrance-j3/index.php/en/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (INM)
2 Distributor http://www.inmfrance.com/inmfrance-j3/index.php/en/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (INM)
4 Owner http://www.inmfrance.com/inmfrance-j3/index.php/en/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier (INM)
5 Contact http://www.inmfrance.com/inmfrance-j3/index.php/en/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Regenerative Medecine and Biotherapy (IRMB)
1 Generator http://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/irmb/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Regenerative Medecine and Biotherapy (IRMB)
2 Distributor http://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/irmb/Cell lines:
INSERM: Institute for Regenerative Medecine and Biotherapy (IRMB)
4 Owner http://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/irmb/ -
INSERM: Institute for Regenerative Medecine and Biotherapy (IRMB)
5 Contact http://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/irmb/Cell lines:
INSERM: Ontogeny of primordial germ cells
5 Contact -
INSERM: PhyMedExp Inserm U1046
4 OwnerCell lines:
INSERM: PhyMedExp Inserm U1046
5 Contact