Donor Information
General Donor Information |
Sex | female |
Age of donor (at collection) | fetal |
Phenotype and Disease related information (Donor) |
Diseases | No disease was diagnosed.
Other Genotyping (Donor) |
Is there genome-wide genotyping or functional data available? |
Donor Relations |
Other cell lines of this donor | |
External Databases (Donor) |
BioSamples | SAMEA5840265 |
Has informed consent been obtained from the donor of the embryo/tissue from which the pluripotent stem cells have been derived? | Yes |
Was the consent voluntarily given? | Yes |
Can you provide us with a copy of the Donor Information Sheet provided to the donor? | No |
Do you (Depositor/Provider) hold the original Donor Consent Form? | No |
If you do not hold the Donor Consent Form, do you know who does? | No |
Alternatives to consent are available? | Yes |
Alternatives to consent | |
Alternative consent approval number | |
How may genetic information associated with the cell line be accessed? | |
For generation of the cell line, who was the supplier of any recombined DNA vectors or commercial kits used? |
hIPSC Derivation
General |
Source cell line name |
IMR-90 Other names
Derived from same source line (potentially other lot and donor, see below):
Source cell type | |
Source cell origin |
The organs of respiration that develop during the fetal stage of growth.
Age of donor (at collection) | fetal |
Reprogramming method |
Vector type | Integrating |
Vector | Virus (Lentivirus) |
Genes | |
Is the used vector excisable? |
Unknown |
Absence of reprogramming vector(s)? |
Unknown |
Reprogramming vectors silenced? | |
Vector free reprogramming |
Type of used vector free reprogramming factor(s) |
Other |
Selection criteria for clones | Geneticin Selection |
Derived under xeno-free conditions |
Unknown |
Derived under GMP? |
Unknown |
Available as clinical grade? |
Unknown |
Culture Conditions
Surface coating | Matrigel/Geltrex | ||||||
Feeder cells |
Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Cellfinder Ont Id: EFO_0004040 |
Medium |
mTeSR™ 2
Analysis of Undifferentiated Cells
Marker | Expressed | Immunostaining | RT-PCR | Flow Cytometry | Enzymatic Assay | Expression Profiles |
Yes |
POU5F1 (OCT-4) |
Yes |
SOX2 |
Yes |
SSEA-3 |
Yes |
SSEA-4 |
Yes |
TRA 1-60 |
Yes |
TRA 1-81 |
Yes |
Transcriptome Characterisation
Differentiation Potency
Karyotyping (Cell Line) |
Has the cell line karyotype been analysed? |
Passage number: 18
Karyotyping method:
Other Genotyping (Cell Line) |
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