The cell line is not validated yet.


Cell Line

hPSCreg name UNEWi011-A
Cite as:
Alternative name(s)
Cell line type Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)
Similar lines No similar lines found.
Last update 29th November 2021
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Generator University of Newcastle (UNEW)

External Databases

BioSamples SAMEA2629624
Cellosaurus CVCL_VF32
Wikidata Q54991156

General Information

* Is the cell line readily obtainable for third parties?

Donor Information

General Donor Information

Sex male
Age of donor (at collection) 1-4
Ethnicity Caucasian

Phenotype and Disease related information (Donor)

Diseases A disease was diagnosed.
XLF Deficiency
The donor is affected.
  • Cernunnos XLFD
  • NHEJ1 deficiency
  • Cernunnos deficiency
  • Combined immunodeficiency-microcephaly-growth retardation-sensitivity to ionizing radiation syndrome
show more synonyms
Non-disease associated phenotypes
  • primary immunodeficiency, severe growth retardation, bird-like face, recurrent perianal abscess, pancytopenia, and polydactyly
Family history NO

External Databases (Donor)

BioSamples SAMEA2629494


Has informed consent been obtained from the donor of the embryo/tissue from which the pluripotent stem cells have been derived? Yes
Do you (Depositor/Provider) hold the original Donor Consent Form? Yes
Does consent explicitly allow the derivation of pluripotent stem cells? No
Does consent expressly prevent the derivation of pluripotent stem cells? Yes
Does consent pertain to a specific research project? No
Does consent permit unforeseen future research, without further consent? Yes
Does the consent permit uses of donated embryo/tissue or derived cell line intended for clinical treatment or human applications? No
Does consent expressly prevent development of commercial products? No
Does consent expressly prevent financial gain from any use of the donated embryo/tissue, including any product made from it? No
Does consent expressly permit storage of donated embryo/tissue for an unlimited time? No
Does consent prevent the DONATED BIOSAMPLE from being made available to researchers anywhere in the world? No

Does consent permit research by

an academic institution? Yes
a public organisation? Yes
How may genetic information associated with the cell line be accessed?
Does the consent permit the donor, upon withdrawal of consent, to stop the use of the derived cell line(s) that have already been created from donated samples? No
Does the consent permit the donor, upon withdrawal of consent, to stop delivery or use of information and data about the donor? Yes
For generation of the cell line, who was the supplier of any recombined DNA vectors or commercial kits used?

hIPSC Derivation


Source cell type
Any skin fibroblast that is part of some dermis.
Source cell origin
Any portion of the organ that covers that body and consists of a layer of epidermis and a layer of dermis.
Age of donor (at collection) 1-4

Reprogramming method

Vector type Integrating
Vector Virus (Lentivirus)
Is the used vector excisable?
Absence of reprogramming vector(s)?
Reprogramming vectors silenced?

Vector free reprogramming


Derived under xeno-free conditions
Derived under GMP?
Available as clinical grade?

Culture Conditions

Surface coating Matrigel/Geltrex
Passage method Enzyme-free cell dissociation
O2 Concentration 95 %
CO2 Concentration 5 %
Medium mTeSR™ 1


No characterisation data could be found.


Karyotyping (Cell Line)

Has the cell line karyotype been analysed?

Other Genotyping (Cell Line)