
Legal status
Key organization 1. Ministry of Health
Policy Latvia has no specific regulations on hESC, but allow some research on supernumerary IVF embryos. Creation of human embryos por research purposes is prohibited.
Legislation Sex and Reproductive Health Law, Sections 15-20 (2004)
Legislation Link
Embryonic stem cell research policy Latvia has no specific regulations on hESC, but allow some research on supernumerary IVF embryos.
Research with embryo Latvia has no specific regulations on hESC, but allow some research on supernumerary IVF embryos.
Embryo donation and cryopreservation Creation of human embryos por research purposes is prohibited.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer not regulated
Privacy and data protection 2. Personal Data Protection Law,


hESC Cell lines

  • (none)

hiPSC Cell lines