Congenital muscular dystrophy


Congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) is a heterogeneous group of neuromuscular disorders with onset at birth or infancy characterized by hypotonia, muscle wasting, weakness or delayed motor milestones. The group includes myopathies with abnormalities at different cellular levels: the extracellular matrix (MDC1A, UCMD; see these terms), the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (alphadystroglycanopathies, integrinopathies see these terms), the endoplasmic reticulum (rigid spine syndrome [RSMD1], and the nuclear envelope (LMNA-related CMD; [L-CMD] and Nesprin-1-related CMD; see these terms).

Cell Lines


For more information, please consult the corresponding entry in Orphanet* .

*Orphanet: an online rare disease and orphan drug data base. Copyright, INSERM 1999. Available on