Foveal hypoplasia-optic nerve decussation defect-anterior segment dysgenesis syndrome
A rare, genetic, eye disease characterized by foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve misrouting with an increased number of axons decussating at the optic chiasm and innervating the contralateral cortex, and posterior embryotoxon or Axenfeld anomaly (indicating anterior segment dysgenesis), in the absence of albinism. Patients present congenital nystagmus, decreased visual acuity, refractive errors and, ocassionally, strabismus. Microphthalmia and retinochoroidal coloboma may also be associated.
Cell Lines
For more information, please consult the corresponding entry in Orphanet* .
*Orphanet: an online rare disease and orphan drug data base. Copyright, INSERM 1999. Available on