Inducing functionality in retinal organoids with electrical activities derived from developing retina

Title Inducing functionality in retinal organoids with electrical activities derived from developing retina
Acronym NeuFRO
Start date 2023-01-01
End date 2027-12-31
Sponsor European Research Council - Starting Grant (ERC-StG)
Institution Leipzig University

Associated cell lines

Project Description

Deriving mammalian retina from stem cells has had a large impact on the study of the biology of vision and is called organoid. Compared to in vivo retina, retinal organoids are far less functionally sophisticated in terms of their synapses, connectivity, discrimination between different light stimuli and their electrical action potentials. This project will overcome this functional constraint of retinal organoids by studying electrophysiological events-derived functional maturation of mouse retina during retinal development and then stimulating those events with the help of mathematical models in order to induce the same functionality in mouse and human retinal organoids.