A human Dravet syndrome model from patient induced pluripotent stem cells


Our results indicate a functional decline in Dravet neurons, especially in the GABAergic subtype, which supports previous findings in murine disease models, where loss-of-function in GABAergic inhibition appears to be a main driver in epileptogenesis. Our data indicate that patient-derived iPSCs may serve as a new and powerful research platform for genetic disorders, including the epilepsies.

Authors Higurashi N, Uchida T, Lossin C, Misumi Y, Okada Y, Akamatsu W, Imaizumi Y, Zhang B, Nabeshima K, Mori MX, Katsurabayashi S, Shirasaka Y, Okano H, Hirose S
Journal Molecular brain
Publication Date 2013 May 2;6:19
PubMed 23639079
PubMed Central PMC3655893
DOI 10.1186/1756-6606-6-19

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Cell Lines