A 3D Renal Proximal Tubule on Chip Model Phenocopies Lowe Syndrome and Dent II Disease Tubulopathy


Lowe syndrome and Dent II disease are X-linked monogenetic diseases characterised by a renal reabsorption defect in the proximal tubules and caused by mutations in the OCRL gene, which codes for an inositol-5-phosphatase. The life expectancy of patients suffering from Lowe syndrome is largely reduced because of the development of chronic kidney disease and related complications. There is a need for physiological human in vitro models for Lowe syndrome/Dent II disease to study the underpinning disease mechanisms and to identify and characterise potential drugs and drug targets. Here, we describe a proximal tubule organ on chip model combining a 3D tubule architecture with fluid flow shear stress that phenocopies hallmarks of Lowe syndrome/Dent II disease. We demonstrate the high suitability of our in vitro model for drug target validation. Furthermore, using this model, we demonstrate that proximal tubule cells lacking OCRL expression upregulate markers typical for epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), including the transcription factor SNAI2/Slug, and show increased collagen expression and deposition, which potentially contributes to interstitial fibrosis and disease progression as observed in Lowe syndrome and Dent II disease.

Authors Naik S, Wood AR, Ongenaert M, Saidiyan P, Elstak ED, Lanz HL, Stallen J, Janssen R, Smythe E, Erdmann KS
Journal International journal of molecular sciences
Publication Date 2021 May 19;22(10)
PubMed 34069732
PubMed Central PMC8161077
DOI 10.3390/ijms22105361

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Cell Lines