Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line (BIORTCi001-A) from a healthy adult indigenous Nigerian participant


Genetic backgrounds influence cellular phenotypes, drug responses, and health outcomes, yet most human iPSC lines are derived from individuals of European descent, with lines from indigenous Africans particularly scarce. Addressing this gap, we generated iPSCs from dermal fibroblasts of a healthy 60-year-old indigenous Nigerian male of the Babur ethnic group using Sendai virus. The iPSC line displayed a normal karyotype, was characterized for pluripotency markers and differentiated into neural progenitor cells and astrocytes. To enhance African representation in research, this iPSC line will be available to the scientific community, with ongoing efforts focused on creating an open-access African iPSC biobank. Resource Table. Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Authors Muhammad Z, Brown PW, Babazau L, Alkhamis AI, Goni BW, Nggada HA, Mbaya KM, Wray S, Marte IH, Karch CM, Serpell LC, Maina MB
Journal Stem cell research
Publication Date 2024 Oct;80:103503
PubMed 39067409
DOI 10.1016/j.scr.2024.103503

Research Projects

Cell Lines