FT819 in Subjects With B-cell Malignancies

General Information

Summary This is a Phase I dose-finding study of FT819 as monotherapy and in combination with IL-2 in subjects with relapsed/refractory B-cell Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Precursor B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The study will consist of a dose-escalation stage and an expansion stage where participants will be enrolled into indication-specific cohorts.
Clinical trials phase Phase 1
Start date (estimated) 2021-07-26
End date (estimated) 2039-09-30
Clinical feature
Label chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_1040
Description A lymphocytic leukemia characterized by over production of B-cells and their accumulation in bone marrow and blood.; Xref MGI.

Administrative Information

NCT number NCT04629729
ICTRP weblink https://trialsearch.who.int/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=NCT04629729
Other study identifiers
Name FT819-101
Source weblink https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04629729
Public contact
Email FateTrialDisclosure@fatetherapeutics.com
Public email FateTrialDisclosure@fatetherapeutics.comFateTrialDisclosure@fatetherapeutics.com
First name Fate Trial Disclosure
Last name Fate Trial Disclosure
Phone +1 866-875-1800
United States
Sponsors Fate Therapeutics


Which differentiated cell type is used
Label T cell
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000084
Description A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex.


Recruitment Status Recruiting
Estimated number of participants 396