FT538 in Combination With Monoclonal Antibodies in Advanced Solid Tumors

General Information

Summary This is a Phase 1 dose-finding study of FT538 in combination with monoclonal antibodies.
Description This is a Phase 1 dose-finding study of FT538 given in combination with a monoclonal antibody following lymphodepletion in subjects with advanced solid tumors. The study will consist of a dose-escalation stage and an expansion stage where participants will be enrolled into indication-specific cohorts.
Clinical trials phase Phase 1
Start date (estimated) 2021-10-15
End date (estimated) 2023-08-11
Clinical feature
Label Advanced Malignant Solid Neoplasm
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C129707
Description A malignant solid neoplasm that has spread extensively to other anatomic sites or is no longer responding to treatment.

Administrative Information

NCT number NCT05069935
ICTRP weblink https://trialsearch.who.int/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=NCT05069935
Other study identifiers
Name FT538-102
Source weblink https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05069935
Public contact
Email clinical@fatetherapeutics.com
Public email clinical@fatetherapeutics.com
First name Rebecca
Last name Reynolds
Phone +1 (0)858-875-1800
United States
Sponsors Fate Therapeutics


Which differentiated cell type is used
Label natural killer cell
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000623
Description A lymphocyte that can spontaneously kill a variety of target cells without prior antigenic activation via germline encoded activation receptors and also regulate immune responses via cytokine release and direct contact with other cells.


Recruitment Status Terminated
Estimated number of participants 16