A Safety and Tolerability Study of Human Forebrain Neural Progenitor Cells Injection (hNPC01) in Subjects With Chronic Ischemic Stroke

General Information

Summary A Phase 1 Dose-escalation, Single-Center, Open-labeled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Human Forebrain Neural Progenitor Cell Injection (hNPC01) in Chronic Ischemic Stroke.
Description The primary aims of this open-label single-armed study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability up to 4 cohorts of escalating doses of hNPC01 administered at a single dose via intracerebral injection to subjects with chronic cerebral ischemic stroke, and to determine MTD. The exploratory aim is to explore the evaluation tools with preliminary efficacy assessment and the potential of hNPC01 to mitigate the symptoms, especially motor symptoms associated with chronic stroke. Eligible participants for this study are individuals who have experienced a single ischemic stroke 6 to 60 months prior of enrollment and have exhibited no significant improvement following standard physical therapy interventions.
Clinical trials phase Phase 1
Start date (estimated) 2023-11-09
End date (estimated) 2025-12-30
Clinical feature
Label Ischemic Stroke
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C95802
Description An acute episode of focal cerebral, spinal, or retinal dysfunction caused by infarction of brain tissue.

Administrative Information

NCT number NCT06299033
ICTRP weblink https://trialsearch.who.int/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=NCT06299033
Other study identifiers
Name HPS-NP1-101
Source weblink https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06299033
Public contact
Email shuningzh@hopstem.com
Public email shuningzh@hopstem.com
First name Shuning
Last name Zhang
Phone +86 571-88197776
Sponsors Hopstem Biotechnology Inc.


Which differentiated cell type is used
Label neural stem cell
Link http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_0000047
Description An undifferentiated neural cell that originates from the neuroectoderm and has the capacity both to perpetually self-renew without differentiating and to generate multiple central nervous system neuronal and glial cell types.


Recruitment Status Recruiting
Estimated number of participants 21