
Cell Line

hPSCreg name LUMCi046-A
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Alternative name(s)
Cell line type Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)
Similar lines
Last update 29th November 2021
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Generator Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Owner LUMC hiPSC core facility
Derivation country Netherlands

External Databases

BioSamples SAMEA8868391
Cellosaurus CVCL_A7QS
Wikidata Q107115883

General Information

* Is the cell line readily obtainable for third parties?
Research use: allowed
Additional restrictions:

under MTA request addressed to Karine Raymond


Donor Information

General Donor Information

Sex male
Ethnicity Hispanic, Chilean

Phenotype and Disease related information (Donor)

Diseases A disease was diagnosed.
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex intermediate with Cardiomyopathy
The donor is a carrier of a disease-associated mutation and affected.
  • Intermediate EBS with cardiomyopathy
Disease associated phenotypes
  • Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex intermediate with Cardiomyopathy
Family history patient 15 in Schwieger-Briel et al., 2018 (10.1016/j.jid.2018.07.022)

Karyotyping (Donor)

Has the donor karyotype been analysed?

Other Genotyping (Donor)

Is there genome-wide genotyping or functional data available?

External Databases (Donor)

BioSamples SAMEA8868392


Has informed consent been obtained from the donor of the embryo/tissue from which the pluripotent stem cells have been derived? Yes
Was the consent voluntarily given? Yes
Has the donor been informed that participation will not directly influence their personal treatment? Yes
Can you provide us with a copy of the Donor Information Sheet provided to the donor? No
Do you (Depositor/Provider) hold the original Donor Consent Form? No
If you do not hold the Donor Consent Form, do you know who does? Yes
Alternatives to consent are available? No
Is there other documentation provided to the donor for consenting purposes? No
Confirm that consent was obtained by a qualified professional Yes
Has the donor agreed to be re-contacted? Yes
Has the donor been informed about how her/his data will be protected? Yes
Please indicate whether the data associated with the donated material has been pseudonymised or anonymised. anonymised
Does consent explicitly allow the derivation of pluripotent stem cells? No
Does consent expressly prevent the derivation of pluripotent stem cells? No
Does consent pertain to a specific research project? No
Does consent permit unforeseen future research, without further consent? Yes
Does the consent permit uses of donated embryo/tissue or derived cell line intended for clinical treatment or human applications? No
Does consent expressly prevent development of commercial products? No
Does consent expressly prevent financial gain from any use of the donated embryo/tissue, including any product made from it? No
Does consent expressly permit storage of donated embryo/tissue for an unlimited time? No
Does consent expressly permit storage of cells derived from the donated embryo/tissue for an unlimited time? No
Does consent prevent the DONATED BIOSAMPLE from being made available to researchers anywhere in the world? No
Does consent prevent CELLS DERIVED FROM THE DONATED BIOSAMPLE from being made available to researchers anywhere in the world? No

Does consent permit research by

an academic institution? Yes
a public organisation? No
a non-profit company? Yes
a for-profit corporation? No
How may genetic information associated with the cell line be accessed? Controlled Access
Will the donor expect to receive financial benefit, beyond reasonable expenses, in return for donating the biosample? No
Does the consent anticipate that the donor will be notified of results or outcomes of any research involving the donated samples or derived cells? No
Does the consent permit the donor, upon withdrawal of consent, to stop the use of the derived cell line(s) that have already been created from donated samples? No
Does the consent permit the donor, upon withdrawal of consent, to stop delivery or use of information and data about the donor? No
Does consent permit access to medical records of the donor? No
Does consent permit access to any other source of information about the clinical treatment or health of the donor? No
Has a favourable opinion been obtained from a research ethics committee, or other ethics review panel, in relation to the Research Protocol including the consent provisions? Yes
Name of accrediting authority involved? Comité Ético Científico, Facultad de Medicina, Clinica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo
Approval number Project number 2013-145
Has a favourable opinion been obtained from a research ethics committee, or other ethics review panel, in relation to the PROPOSED PROJECT, involving use of donated embryo/tissue or derived cells? Yes
Name of accrediting authority involved? Leiden University ethics committee
Approval number P 13.080
Do you have obligations to third parties in regard to the use of the cell line? Yes
Please describe: To be used on project related to epidermolysis bullosa
Are you aware of any further constraints on the use of the donated embryo/tissue or derived cells? Yes
Further constraints on use The third party has to be informed and approve new research to be carried on with this cell line
Is there an MTA available for the cell line? No
For generation of the cell line, who was the supplier of any recombined DNA vectors or commercial kits used? N. Nakanishi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) Sendai Virus
Are you aware of any constraints on the use or distribution of the cell line from the owner or any parties identified in the query above? No

hIPSC Derivation


Source cell type
Any skin fibroblast that is part of some dermis.
Source cell type (free text) WK13190
Passage number reprogrammed 3

Reprogramming method

Vector type Non-integrating
Vector Sendai virus
Is reprogramming vector detectable?
Methods used
Files and images showing reprogramming vector expressed or silenced

Vector free reprogramming

Type of used vector free reprogramming factor(s)


Selection criteria for clones Morphology
Derived under xeno-free conditions
Derived under GMP?
Available as clinical grade?

Culture Conditions

Surface coating Vitronectin
Feeder cells
Passage method Enzyme-free cell dissociation
Gentle Cell Dissociation Reagent
O2 Concentration 20 %
CO2 Concentration 5 %
Medium TeSR™ E8™
Has Rock inhibitor (Y27632) been used at passage previously with this cell line?
Has Rock inhibitor (Y27632) been used at cryo previously with this cell line?
Has Rock inhibitor (Y27632) been used at thaw previously with this cell line?


Analysis of Undifferentiated Cells
Marker Expressed Immunostaining RT-PCR Flow Cytometry Enzymatic Assay Expression Profiles
POU5F1 (OCT-4)
Differentiation Potency
Ont Id: UBERON_0000925
In vitro spontaneous differentiation
Marker Expressed
alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Ont Id: UBERON_0000926
In vitro spontaneous differentiation
Marker Expressed
Ont Id: UBERON_0000924
In vitro spontaneous differentiation
Marker Expressed
beta-III tubulin

Microbiology / Virus Screening


Karyotyping (Cell Line)

Has the cell line karyotype been analysed?
Passage number: 22
Karyotyping method: G-Banding

Other Genotyping (Cell Line)