Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive muscular paralysis reflecting degeneration of motor neurons in the primary motor cortex, corticospinal tracts, brainstem and spinal cord.
Cell Lines
- CSSi011-A
- CSSi017-A
- SAPi002-A
- IAIi006-A
- IAIi007-A
- IAIi008-A
- ICGi022-A-1
- ICGi022-A-2
- INNDSUi009-A
- NIMHi008-A
- SMUSHi006-A
- UCSCi001-A
- UCSFi001-A-72
- UCSFi001-A-73
- UCSFi001-A-74
- UCSFi001-A-75
- UQi001-A-1
- UQi006-A
- UQi007-A
- UQi008-A
- UQi009-A
- WTSIi018-B-18
- WTSIi018-B-21
- WTSIi018-B-22
- WTSIi018-B-23
- WTSIi018-B-24
- WTSIi018-B-25
- WTSIi018-B-26
- WTSIi018-B-27
- CSSi012-A
- HEBHMUi003-A
- HEBHMUi004-A
- PFIZi013-A
- SAPi003-A
- SAPi004-A
- UCLi004-A
- UCLi004-B
- UCLi004-C
For more information, please consult the corresponding entry in Orphanet* .
*Orphanet: an online rare disease and orphan drug data base. Copyright, INSERM 1999. Available on