A molecular scheme for improved characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines


Here we describe, using molecular biology alone, a comprehensive characterization of 17 different hESC lines. The use of amplified nucleic acids means that for the first time full characterization of hESC lines can be performed with little time investment and a minimum of material. The information thus gained will facilitate comparison of lines and replication of results between laboratories.

Authors Josephson R, Sykes G, Liu Y, Ording C, Xu W, Zeng X, Shin S, Loring J, Maitra A, Rao MS, Auerbach JM
Journal BMC biology
Publication Date 2006 Aug 18;4:28
PubMed 16919167
PubMed Central PMC1601965
DOI 10.1186/1741-7007-4-28

Research Projects

Cell Lines