Legal status | VERY PERMISSIVE |
Key organization | Swedish Research Council |
Policy | hESC research is allowed if IVF embryos of up to 14 days post-fertilisation are used or after SCNT. Therapeutic cloning is allowed if hereditary genetic traits remain unchanged. Reproductive cloning is banned. |
Regulations | 1. Legal Regulation of Stem Cell Research 2002:119: http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/108/a/2717 2. Regulations and Guidelines for the Use of Tissues and Cells in Healthcare and Clinical Research - SOSFS 2009:32: http://www.socialstyrelsen.se/sosfs/2009-32 |
Legislation | Act on Genetic Integrity (2006:351) |
Legislation Link | http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/20060351.htm |
Embryonic stem cell research policy | hESC reseach is allowed with the approval by a Regional Research Ethics Board. |
Research with embryo | Research with embryo is allowed. In fact, the creation of embryo for research is also allowed with the approval by a Regional Research Ethics Board. |
Embryo donation and cryopreservation | Embryo donation and cryopreservation is allowed in Sweden. |
Somatic cell nuclear transfer | SCNT is allowed for research purposes. |
Privacy and data protection | Patient Data Act: SFS 2008:355 (Swedish): http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/20080355.htm |
- A Functional, Mature In vivo Human Ventricular Muscle Patch for Cardiomyopathy
- Epigenetic drug action
- Epigenetic regulation of early human development
- Genetic variation exposes regulators of blood cell formation in vivo in humans
- Inflammatory resolution and remodelling of the adipose extracellular matrix: key determinants of a metabolically healthy phenotype?
- Patient-specific treatment for Parkinson’s disease using reprogrammed skin cells
- Paving the way for High-throughput Organoid ENgineering using Integrated acoustiX
- Resilience and Trigger Factors in Cardiac Arrhythmia: Risk Stratification and Drug Design
- Safeguarding Female Fertility -development of human-relevant in vitro tools for reproductive toxicity
- Smedler lab
- STEM-PD trial: A multicentre, single arm, first in human, dose-escalation trial, investigating the safety and tolerability of intraputamenal transplantation of human embryonic stem cell derived dopaminergic cells for Parkinson’s disease (STEM-PD product)
- Unveiling the functional outcome of single nucleotide polymorphisms and variants in oligodendroglia in multiple sclerosis
- (WITHDRAWN) Cellartis AB
- (WITHDRAWN) Cellartis AB
- (WITHDRAWN) Karolinska Institutet
- (WITHDRAWN) The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
- AstraZeneca AB
- Karolinska Institutet
- Karolinska Institutet - Department of Neuroscience
- Karolinska Institutet - Pan-Hammarström laboratory
- Karolinska Institutet - Stem Cell & Organoid Laboratory
- Karolinska Institutet - Stem Cell Laboratory
- Karolinska Institutet: Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Linköping University
- Lund University
- Sahlgrenska University Hospital
- Skåne University Hospital
- Takara Bio Europe AB (former Cellartis)
- Takara Bio Europe AB (former Cellartis) - Human ES cell line derivation
- The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg
- University of Lund
- Uppsala University
- Uppsala University - Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
- Uppsala University - Department of Medical Cell Biology
hESC Cell lines
- CEBe034-A-1
- CEBe001-A
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- CEBe006-A
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- KIe001-A
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- CEBe033-A
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- CEBe035-A
- KIe030-A
- KIe024-A-1
- KIe024-A-2
- KIe024-A-3
- KIe024-A-4
- KIe031-A
- KIe001-A-1
- KIe004-A-1
- KIe006-A-1
- KIe007-A-1
- KIe008-A-1
- KIe009-A-1
- KIe010-A-1
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- KIe022-A-1
- KIe032-A
- KIe033-A
- CEBe002-A-1
- CEBe002-A-2
- CEBe002-A-3
- KIe034-A
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- NOVOe001-A
- KIe033-A-1
hiPSC Cell lines
- ULUNDi001-A
- ULUNDi002-A
- ULUNDi004-A
- ULUNDi005-A
- ULUNDi006-A
- KIi001-A
- KIi002-A
- ULUNDi007-A
- UUIGPi001-A
- UUIGPi002-A
- UUIGPi003-A
- UUIGPi004-A
- UUIGPi005-A
- UUIGPi006-A
- UUIGPi007-A
- UUIGPi008-A
- PHAi001-A
- PHAi002-A
- PHAi003-A
- PHAi001-B
- PHAi002-B
- PHAi003-B
- KICRi001-A
- ULUNDi008-A
- UUIGPi009-A
- UUIGPi010-A
- UUIGPi011-A
- KICRi002-A
- KICRi002-A-1
- KICRi002-A-2
- KICRi002-A-3
- KISCOi001-A
- UUMCBi001-A
- UUMCBi002-A
- UUIGPi013-A
- UUIGPi014-A
- UGOTSAi001-A
- KICRi002-A-4
- KICRi002-A-5
- UUIGPi015-A
- UGOTSAi002-B
- UGOTSAi003-A
- UGOTSAi003-B
- UGOTSAi004-A
- UGOTSAi004-B
- UGOTSAi005-A
- UGOTSAi005-B
- UGOTSAi006-A
- STBCi322-A-1
- STBCi322-A-2
- STBCi322-A-3
- STBCi014-B-1
- STBCi322-A-4
- STBCi322-A-5
- STBCi322-A-6
- STBCi028-A-1
- STBCi017-A-1
- STBCi322-A-7
- SUHi001-A
- SUHi002-A
- SUHi003-A
- SUHi004-A
- SUHi005-A
- SUHi006-A
- UUIGPi016-A
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- SUHi007-A
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- KIi003-A
- UGOTSAi007-A
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- UGOTSAi010-A
- UGOTSAi011-A
- UGOTSAi012-A
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