Legal status | VERY PERMISSIVE |
Key organization | Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation |
Policy | Legislation in Russia allows the use of embryonic stem cells derived from IVF embryos and from embryos created for research. |
Legislation | Order No. 107н of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia dated 30 August 2012 “On the Procedure for the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Contraindications and Restrictions to their Application"; Federal law No. 323-FZ of 21.11.2011 ""On the Fundamentals of Citizens’ Health Protection in the Russian Federation"". Article 55. Application of assisted reproductive technologies Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Human Cloning 2002 |
Legislation Link | |
Embryonic stem cell research policy | Legislation in Russia allows the use of embryonic stem cells derived from IVF embryos and from embryos created for research. |
Research with embryo | Research with embryos is allowed, even the creation of embryos for research. |
Embryo donation and cryopreservation | embryo donation is allowed. |
Somatic cell nuclear transfer | SCNT is forbidden: Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Human Cloning 2002 (Imposes a Moratorium on RC) |
Privacy and data protection | Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ on Personal Data (2006): |
- Endocrinology Research Centre
- Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre
- Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre - Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies
- Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency
- Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Medicinal Chemistry Center
- Mental Health Research Center
- Mental Health Research Center - Laboratory Clinical Genetics
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
- Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
- Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University - Institute of Translational Medicine
- Research Centre for Medical Genetics
- Research Institute of Medical Genetics, TNMRC
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russian Academy of Sciences - Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Vavilov Institute of General Genetics Russian Academy of Sciences
hESC Cell lines
hiPSC Cell lines
- FAMRCi001-A
- FAMRCi002-A
- FAMRCi003-A
- FAMRCi001-B
- FAMRCi003-B
- IMGTi001-A
- IMGTi001-B
- IMGTi003-A
- ICGi002-A
- ICGi003-A
- ICGi005-A
- ICGi005-B
- ICGi006-A
- ICGi006-B
- RCPCMi002-A
- RCPCMi003-A
- ICGi007-A
- ICGi008-A
- ICGi008-B
- FAMRCi004-A
- FAMRCi004-B
- FAMRCi005-A
- FAMRCi005-B
- FAMRCi006-A
- FAMRCi006-B
- FAMRCi007-A
- FAMRCi007-B
- ICGi009-A
- ICGi013-A
- ICGi013-B
- ICGi009-B
- ICGi014-A
- ICGi015-A
- ICGi015-B
- ICGi001-B
- ICGi001-C
- ERCi001-A
- ICGi002-B
- ICGi002-C
- ICGi016-A
- ICGi017-A
- RCPCMi004-A
- RCPCMi005-A
- ICGi018-A
- ICGi018-B
- ICGi018-C
- RCMGi001-A
- RCMGi002-A
- ICGi019-A
- ICGi019-B
- MCCi001-A
- ICGi020-A
- ICGi020-B
- ICGi021-A
- ICGi022-A
- FAMRCi008-A
- ICGi023-A
- ICGi023-B
- ICGi024-A
- ICGi025-A
- RCMGi003-A
- RCMGi004-A
- RCMGi004-B
- ICGi026-A
- RCMGi005-A
- ICGi028-A
- ICGi029-A
- RCPCMi007-A
- RCPCMi007-A-1
- RCPCMi008-A
- ICGi021-A-1
- ICGi021-A-2
- ICGi021-A-3
- ICGi015-B-1
- ICGi015-B-2
- ICGi015-B-3
- RCMGi006-A
- ICGi030-A
- ICGi022-A-1
- ICGi022-A-2
- FAMRCi009-A
- FAMRCi010-A
- FAMRCi011-A
- FAMRCi011-B
- ICGi031-A
- ICGi032-A
- ICGi021-A-4
- ICGi021-A-5
- ICGi033-A
- RCMGi007-A
- ICGi034-A
- ICGi035-A
- ICGi035-B
- ICGi036-A
- ICGi037-A
- ICGi034-B
- ICGi038-A
- ICGi034-C
- RCMGi005-B
- ICGi039-A
- ICGi040-A
- ICGi039-B
- ICGi039-C
- RCMGi008-A
- ICGi033-B
- ICGi033-C
- ICGi041-A
- ICGi042-A
- ICGi042-B
- ICGi042-C
- ICGi022-A-3
- ICGi022-A-4
- ICGi022-A-5
- ICGi043-A
- ICGi043-B
- ICGi043-C
- ERCi002-A
- ICGi044-A
- ICGi044-B
- ICGi044-C
- ABi001-A
- ABi002-A
- RCPCMi009-A-1
- RCMGi009-A
- MHRCCGi001-A
- RCMGi010-A
- RCMGi011-A
- RCMGi011-B
- MHRCCGi004-A
- MHRCCGi005-A
- RCMGi012-A
- RNRMUi001-A
- RNRMUi002-A
- RNRMUi003-A
- TNRMCi001-A
- ICGi022-A-6
- ICGi022-A-7
- RCPCMi010-A
- RNRMUi005-A
- RNRMUi006-A
- RNRMUi007-A
- KUIFMSi004-A-1
- RCMGi013-A
- MIPTi001-A
- MIPTi002-A
- ICGi045-A
- ICGi046-A
- ICGi022-A-8
- RCMGi014-A
- ICGi047-A
- ABi004-A
- RCMGi015-A
- RCMGi016-A
- RCMGi017-A
- ICGi034-A-1
- ICGi034-A-2
- ICGi034-A-3
- ICGi034-A-4
- ICGi034-D
- ICGi034-E
- ICGi022-B
- ICGi048-A
- ICGi021-A-6
- ICGi021-A-7
- ICGi049-A
- RCPCMi011-A
- ICGi050-A
- ICGi051-A
- ICGi052-A
- ICGi052-B
- ICGi053-A
- ERCi003-A
- ERCi004-A
- ICGi043-A-1
- ICGi054-A
- ICGi043-A-2
- ICGi043-A-3
- ICGi043-A-4
- ICGi043-A-5
- ICGi043-A-6
- ICGi053-B
- ICGi055-A
- ICGi053-C
- ICGi054-B
- ICGi054-C
- ICGi054-D
- FAMRCi012-A
- ICGi029-A-1
- ICGi029-A-2
- ICGi029-A-3
- ICGi055-B
- ICGi055-C
- ICGi019-B-1
- ICGi019-B-2
- ICGi052-B-1
- ICGi052-B-2
- ICGi036-A-1
- ICGi022-A-9
- ICGi022-A-10
- ICGi057-A
- FCBRNi001-A
- RCPCMi012-A
- RCPCMi013-A
- ICGi058-A