
Title HipSci
Acronym HipSci
Website http://www.hipsci.org/
Start date 2013-01-01
End date 2016-12-31
Sponsor Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council, UK

Associated cell lines


Project Description

HipSci brings together diverse constituents in genomics, proteomics, cell biology and clinical genetics to create a UK national iPS cell resource and use it to carry out cellular genetic studies. Between 2013 and 2016 we aim to generate iPS cells from over 500 healthy individuals and 500 individuals with genetic disease. We will then use these cells to discover how genomic variation impacts on cellular phenotype and identify new disease mechanisms. Strong links with NHS investigators will ensure that studies on the disease-associated cell lines will be linked to extensive clinical information. Further key features of the project are an open access model of data sharing; engagement of the wider clinical genetics community in selecting patient samples; and provision of dedicated laboratory space for collaborative cell phenotyping and differentiation.