United States

Legal status
Key organization control is primarily exerted through funding and funding restrictions
Policy At the federal level, there are only a few laws that regulate research with pluripotent human stem cells - this mostly takes place at the state level, where the requirements can vary over time and primarily concern and limit the use of embryos. So overall, there is little federal legislation in the US regarding hPSC derivation, research and use. Control is generally exercised in the form of limiting federal funding for some specific research in these areas, but no legislation prohibiting it using private funding. The NIH has guidelines for the use of human pluripotent stem cells, but these don’t govern the legality of the work, only the ability of the researcher to receive federal finding. https://stemcells.nih.gov/research-policy/guidelines-for-human-stem-cell-research
Legislation The Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46 regulates the protection of human subjects. Likewise, 45 CFR 164 regulates privacy for patients and human subjects (HIPPA), but would apply only to preservation of patient information and not generally apply in a research setting where the specific patient identity of the samples are disconnected (coded, etc) from the researcher.
Legislation Link https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/regulations/common-rule/index.html
Embryonic stem cell research policy https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/embryonic-and-fetal-research-laws.aspx#:~:text=Many%20states%20restrict%20research%20on%20aborted%20fetuses%20or,and%20Michigan%20also%20prohibit%20research%20on%20live%20embryos.
Research with embryo Currently there is no federal regulation against human cloning, although as it generally involves embryos – regulated on state level.
Embryo donation and cryopreservation Cryopreservation of embryos is allowed. Donation of embryos is allowed. They are subject to human subjects protection for the donors (IRB review and approval, etc.). For federally funded projects there are restrictions on the provenance of the embryo (source, if it must be frozen etc.)
Somatic cell nuclear transfer SCNT remains legal in the US, but unfundable through federal programs.



hESC Cell lines

hiPSC Cell lines